Trauma Work
Facing one's own trauma is tantalizing. You don't have to suffer in silence. Don't do it alone, let somebody who is trained in trauma healing help you navigate the depths of your despair, fear, shame or guilt. Trauma response to life could look like difficult relationship with oneself, others and the world. Coping skills that used to work, now might be preventing you from living life free from depression, anxiety, low self esteem.
Are you high achieving woman, the Wonder Woman Archetype, who is constantly on a run and is exhausted, secretly struggling with feelings of not good enough, adopting an all-or-nothing attitude to life and overfunctioning in both personal and professional areas, neglecting own needs, people pleasing, and screaming for a BREAK. 'It is Okay to not be busy', lets explore together how that might look for you in your life and how we can create a healthier and freer version of You.
EMDR is a science based approach that helps to tackle deeply seated challenging patterns and memories by working with your neuroplasticity without having you to relive every painful detail. It is highly efficient in relieving symptoms of PTSD and phobias, such as nightmares, hyper vigilance, panic attacks. It is also known to benefit people who struggle with prolonged or anticipated grief, and/or various psychosomatic conditions.